Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Think & Grow Rich

In society today we have became brain washed by entertainment which occupies our mind. We have became a society of celebrity watchers. We have decided to quit thinking and growing. This is our greatest fault. At some point in our life we decided we no longer have to grow, to learn, or to stretch our mind. We just settle for mediocrity. This is the sad story of most of our lives. What can we do today to start real life change? Understand that you can change your life any two years you wish. From 18 to 20, from 30 to 32, from 60 to 62, any two years. Because if you don't change let me predict the next 5 years, pretty much the same as the last. What are some practical tip to start life change today. READ! Do you realize that 98% of Americans read less than one book a year. That means that if you read 10 books a year you are ten times more informed than the average American. At some point when we graduated high school, maybe college we decided that we no longer have to develop ourselves so we put our brain on cruise control. Knowledge is a great thing but it does us no good if we do not know how to apply it in our lives. Many of those who go on to be successful in life were self-educated. They never stopped learning. Their are many great mentors out there we can learn from people like Steven R. Covey, John Maxwell, Jim Rohn, and Zig Ziglar. I would suggest creating a routine for reading 30 minutes a day but stretch it to an hour if you can. Jim Rohn says if you can read a book a day it will change your life. So read if you want to change your circumstances. Most people are not broke because of lack of money they are broke because of lack of an idea on how to create money. Don't be overly cautions! Most people who are overly cautious have to take what is left when others are done choosing. The reality is that life is filled with opportunity mixed with difficulty. After recession comes expansion, after winter comes spring. The question is what do you do with your springs your opportunities. Life is filled with the element of chance. Be sure and grab hold of good opportunities. Do not Procrastinate! This will detour us from life change and lead us down the road of mediocrity. Most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the time to be right to start doing something worth while. Do not wait! The time will never be right. You have to create life change in your life. Greatness in ingrained in us all, but we must act upon it. Create Definiteness of Purpose! Many of us walk around life aimlessly with no real purpose. Thus we get caught in the vicious cycle, our routines. We never aim for something better. Its not that we aim to high and miss but that we aim to low and hit. Settling for a "so so" life. The sad truth is that we only get one life to live here on this earth so don't let it be mediocre. Its time for you to stand up and take the initiative! Its time for you to change your families future! I guarantee they are worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I have never read one of your blogs, but enjoyed reading this one. You are very right, too many of us just settle! Thanks for making me read and think today!!! Cat
