Saturday, November 7, 2009

Consider Your Philosophy

You philosophy is your foundation. Your philosophy is what will drive you to do the necessary things to be successful. Your philosophy is the way you perceive the yourself and the world around you. If you have a broken philosophy, chances are you future look pretty grim. Often we let negativity in the world around us shape our philosophy. It is your responsibility to protect your mind from this negativity. Many times it will come from the criticism of you friends and family. If you find yourself always being negative and making excuses for your circumstances. If you look for obstacles instead if opportunities. If you focus on the thing you can't change instead of the thing you can change, you may have a bent or broken philosophy. How can you change you philosophy? Well it starts with you. If you will begin the habits of looking at the positive side of things, thinking more positively about yourself, and your circumstances things will begin to change for you. Often we sell ourself short, beat ourself up, and break ourself down which causes very harsh psychological damage. Seek more positive thinking, seek positive people to associate with or read books that encourage you, instead bombarding yourselves with constantly negative news (CNN). Try not to dwell on the things you can not change. Envision a large circle that is called the Circle Of Concern. In this circle, place the things you can't change. Things like war, political inflictions, economic problems thing you have no control over. Do not dwell on these things. Now envision a smaller circle called the circle of influence. These are the thing you can change. Things like your weight, your financial status, your education level, or your thought process. Get control of your philosophy! Get control of your future! Affirmations are a great way to boost you self confidence and correct a flawed philosophy. Tell yourself about the good qualities you have and watch you philosophy develop. Turn off the T.V., your critics, your negativity, and turn on your mind, who you really are inside. Let that lead you to a successful life. The life you were meant to live!

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