Sunday, August 9, 2009

Are You A Leader?

Its time for many of us to stand up and take control of our lives. If you find yourself in a job you hate and the circumstance around you are terrible like stress, lack of family time, long hours, rocky marriage, then start changing them. Many people get use to the regular routines of their life and before they know it 10 or 15 years have past. Don't let his happen to you. Leaders take charge of their life and do not I mean do not let their circumstance dictate there future. Leaders take action when necessary. Leaders have good judgment and find a better course of action. Leaders do not let their emotions control them and never..... let other peoples emotions control them. Leaders are rock solid and confident. The beautiful thing, is that you posses everything you need to be a leader right where you stand. The question is what are you willing to do to find it. Are you willing to change the mix. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Who are you listening too? Do you let your broke friends give you financial advice. Have you let people stomp on you childhood dreams? Did you quit dreaming about that beach home or that nice car (with the title)? Did you aim to high and miss or aim to low and hit? Let me encourage you to make the necessary change in your life to be the leader you are destined to be! Take a second and consider these questions. Write your answers down. How many years have you been working, since you graduated? How much money do you have, right now, that you could get in case of an emergency? Example money in you savings account (liquid money). Be honest, equity in you home does not count. Now lets say you doubled that amount in the next 25 years. Are you anywhere close to where you want to be financially? Could you retire? Probably not! Its time to change the out come of your future. Now the time for action. IT STARTS WITH YOU AND IT STARTS NOW!!!!

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