Friday, August 14, 2009

Who Are We Listening Too?

Many time we get stuck in the regular routines of life because we let society pick and choose our future. See, we are trained to be average all of our life. Often the practical skills are over looked. No one teaches us how to manage our money, how to reach for our dreams, and how to be positive. Unfortunately, most people want to nail our feet to the floor, stomp on our dreams and discourage us, all while stealing our future. That is, if we listen to them. Walt Disney called them well poisoners. Their is now a preconceived idea that we have to go get a mediocre job , get mediocre pay, and live mediocre lives. Have you ever heard the saying "we have to play the cards we're dealt". I am here to tell you that you are the only person that controls you future no one else. Don't drop your dreams and goals in the waste basket. Get proactive in your approach to achieve your goals and dreams. You must become more efficient, and not only that more effective. What are you doing to develop yourself personally. Gather your resources and take initiative. Are you still watching the negative news every night before bed? Stop! They thrives on negativity and brings us down with them. Do you take financial advice from your broke friends and family? Stop! Do you let other people control your emotions? Stop! Now, Do you look at the positive side of thing. Do you try to encourage people? Do you help people by forming win win situations? Here's some tips. Try affirmations: Look in the mirror and tell yourself I am good mother or father, I am a good husband or wife, I am worth 30,000 dollars a month. I am a hard worker. These things will breed positivity in you, which will begin to rub off on others. Including your children. Instead of scolding them try encouraging them to do the right thing and watch them try to live up to the standard you have set in their mind. Be positive! What are you reading and listening too. Try encouraging books by authors like Dave Ramsey, John Maxwell, Stephen Covey, Zig Ziglar and I could go on and on. Ask yourself this question. Where do you see yourself this time next year or three years form now. If the out come is not what you would like, start changing it now. You hold the key to your future!!

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