Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Budget Is The Key

What has made Misty and I so successful in life is the fact that we learned how to control our money instead of it controlling us. This task is impossible without a budget. A budget will help you track every dollar that is being spent. Is will solve many of the financial stress that living paycheck to paycheck creates. If you argue with your spouse about money its because you don't have a budget or you have a ineffective one. I promise you this, a good budget will solve many of your problems. This must be a team effort from both husband and wife. You must agree on it for it to work. Once it is laid out and you have given every dollar a name FOLLOW IT!!!! It may take a few months to tweak your budget.What you will find is that it will relieve stress and maximize the impact of money in you life. (AKA a larger savings account) Remember money is only a tool to get us where we want to go. This will in turn send you down the road toward financial success. I strongly encourage each couple to sit down for a couple of hours a month and structure a budget that will be suitable for your household. Discipline is a must if you want to succeed financially. Its time to stop wasting you money and started changing your thought process. I BELIEVE YOU ALL POSES THE POWER TO BE SUCCESSFUL FINANCIALLY!!!! Its Time To Change Your Mind!

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